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4.3 Non-Tenure Track Faculty Review and Evaluation

Clear documentation of responsibilities and assigned workload is critical to the evaluation, reappointment, and promotion process for NTTF members. As is the case for tenured and tenure-track faculty, the performance of all teaching, research, clinical faculty, faculty of practice, and extension faculty members will be evaluated annually, with a written record of the evaluation maintained in departmental and human resources files. The criteria for evaluating non-tenure-track faculty for purposes of hiring and retention must be adopted by a vote in accordance with departmental bylaws and made available to all faculty. Each NTTF will be informed, in writing, of the percentage of effort that they are expected to devote to teaching, service, and research/professional development as well as whether the faculty member’s position is contingent upon their ability to secure external funding. This documentation will be provided by the hiring unit to the NTTF at the time of initial appointment and again each time the faculty member is reappointed. As needed throughout their terms of appointment, faculty members will have the opportunity to discuss their responsibilities and request adjustments in their assigned workloads. This annually updated written record of workload distribution and responsibilities will become part of the NTTF’s evaluation records.

In the case of non-retention, every effort should be made to notify the faculty member as soon as possible.

4.3.1 Annual Performance and Planning Review for Non-Tenure Track Faculty

All NTTF who are not on leave are subject to annual performance and planning reviews (APPR) appropriate to the positions and as outlined in departmental and college bylaws. APPRs include a fair and honest assessment of the faculty member’s performance, and may be carried out by the department head, a designee, or a committee, as determined by the departmental bylaws and other applicable documents. Each review should include the following elements:

  1. Review accomplishments against specific objectives set at the previous APPR and consistent with this handbook and departmental bylaws;
  2. Establish appropriate objectives for the coming year, using clearly understood expectations that are consistent with this handbook and departmental bylaws;
  3. Provide the necessary support to achieve these objectives;
  4. Recognize and reward outstanding achievement.

4.3.2 Rating Scale to be Applied in Evaluating Faculty Performance

Non-tenure-track faculty performance must be evaluated in a manner consistent with all applicable campus, college, and/or departmental policies, procedures, and bylaws, and must apply the following performance ratings:

Far exceeds expectations for rank

Exceeds expectations for rank

Meets expectations for rank

Falls short of meeting expectations for rank

Falls far short of meeting expectations for rank

Non-tenure-track faculty with an overall performance rating of meets, exceeds, or far exceeds expectations for rank are eligible for any merit pay or other performance-based salary increase that may be authorized under campus, college, and/or departmental rules or guidelines. They are also eligible for any across-the-board salary increase.

Non-tenure-track faculty with an overall rating of falls short of meeting expectations for rank are not eligible for any merit pay or other performance-based salary increase that may be authorized under campus, college, and/or departmental rules or guidelines, but are eligible for any across-the-board salary increase.

Non-tenure-track faculty with an overall rating of falls far short of meeting expectations for rank are not eligible for any merit pay or other performance-based salary increase that may be authorized under campus, college, and/or departmental rules or guidelines, nor are they eligible for any across-the-board salary increase.